Happy Valentines Day-Marzipan Meringue Chocolate Hearts :)

Happy Valentines Day everybody!
This is truly nice holiday to share little more love, warm smiles and few kisses.
Hearts are truly a theme & chocolate is the best ingredient ever.
This year I decided to make something from the heart to my hearts, homemade and delicious.
I love nice, good looking box of chocolates. That was my inspiration this year.

This recipe is very easy to make, doesn’t require lot of time just best quality ingredients.

You will need:

I pack of marzipan paste
1/4 cup semi sweet dark chocolate
1/4 cup white chocolate chunks
2 egg whites
4 tea spoons powder sugar
lemon zest
decoration paste, optional

Meringues are optional too. I like to add them inside of the marzipan because they add little crunch to it.
Using standing mixer whip well egg whites on high for few minutes, add sugar and little lemon zest.
On the cookie sheet, place parchment paper and using spoon make little meringues.
Oven should be preheated to 320F. Then dry bake little shapes for 20 minutes.
Using your hands or cookie cutter, make shapes with marzipan paste. This is the same type of dough as play dough, so same as kids- best thing to do is to use imagination.
Making chocolate dip or bath is fun process too.
In the smaller saucepan on the low heat add chocolate, few drops of milk and tiny piece of butter for the shine.
Mix well till chocolate is creamy not to watery. You can repeat process with white chocolate too if you like.
When meringues are done and cooled down you can press little chunks in to the candy shapes and then dip them to the chocolate.
Lay them on the baking rack to cool down. Decoration is optional too, anything that you like and have in your pantry at the moment would work.
Leave chocolates for an hour or so to sit at the room temperature and then you can wrap them for the gift or just enjoy them:)



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