Happy Mother’s Day with Homemade Caramel Apples:)

Mother’s day is very special day to me and to all the moms and their children. I think that every day should be just the same because love, hugs, kisses and knowledge needs to be shared every day.
I remember when I was a kid and special little moments that I shared with my mom. Now, we live on the different sides of the world but I know that she will be reading this post-Happy Mother’s day mom.
Few days ago I was a part of the wonderful celebration in my kids classrooms and I received cute little gifts:)

My dear husband and kids surprised me with a big sweet dessert for Mother’s day, they made together Homemade Caramel Apples with fantastic toppings- everybody’s favorite:)

Homemade caramel was fantastic and my hubby did amazing job. Kids have a blast with decorations.

I am so happy and grateful for all the kindness and love:)
Apples were the big hit….super delicious.

Lovely dessert:)



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