Chocolate Mousse with Strawberry

Summer is in the full swing and it is always nice to have something refreshing and sweet during the day. I usually have on my mind quick to make and good for you treat, like low calorie and low sugar dessert.
Chocolate is usually not considered a diet food but cocoa itself has beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. It is usually the other ingredients added to chocolate that makes it big no to consume. This recipe uses 70% cocoa chocolate that contains much less fat and sugar then a basic chocolate bar. This recipe is also gluten free.
The Glycemic Index is a numerical index that ranks carbohydrates based on their rate of glycemic response, their conversion to glucose within the human body. Glycemic Index uses a scale of 0 to 100 with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar.
Glycemic index of 55 or below are considered low and 70 or above are considered high.
Glycemic Index for Strawberry is 40, which makes it low glycemic index fruit on the chart.

Chocolate Mousse with Strawberry


1 cup 70% cocoa chocolate chips
2 egg whites, from fresh eggs
2 teaspoons sugar
4 tablespoons plain non fat yogurt
4 medium strawberries

Pour chocolate chips into a sauce pan and gently heat it over another saucepan filled with water. When the chocolate is fully melted take the smaller dish out of the saucepan and allow it to cool for a few minutes.
Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Using electric mixer with the whisk attachment, whisk the egg whites. Add the sugar to the whites and whisk until they become firm and form soft peaks.
Add the chocolate to the yogurt and mix them together well.
Fold the egg whites into the chocolate yogurt and then spoon the mixture into glasses. Refrigerate the mixture for at least 2 hours to allow it to set.
Just before serving arrange the strawberries.
Irresistible good dessert, light and perfect for everybody who has an eye on their diet and waist. You can’t go wrong with combination of chocolate and strawberry, it is always delicious:)

Nutritional Information

Calories: 140
Protein: 5g
Fat: 5g
Carbohydrate: 13g
Sugars: 10g
Fiber: 2g
Sodium: 52mg


  1. I love the simplicity of this. I think it’s a dessert I could actually make. I’m not the best at making desserts. Fred Meyers sells dark chocolate chips. Do you think that would work?

  2. I wasn’t joking earlier – couldn’t take my mind off this mousse today and just made it. Licked most of it off the spoon! Love it, not too sweet and it’s ideal for anyone who’s not keen on raw egg yolks (cooking for a pregnant lady tomorrow) I added a touch of lime in there. It’s fantastic. Oh, and I don’t know how many people this is for – but I’ve made a whopping 2 portions en amoureux. 😉 Thank you!

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